5 Ways to Help You Adjust to Clear Aligners

clear aligners Commerce, CA

Clear aligners can help patients achieve a smile they are proud of by straightening misaligned teeth. However, adjusting to life with clear aligners can be difficult as they can feel strange at first and cause some discomfort as the teeth begin to shift into the proper position.

5 Ways to make life with clear aligners easier

You can make a smooth transition into life with clear aligners by making the necessary lifestyle changes. The following are five useful tips to implement in order to ensure your adjustment to clear aligners does not cause increased discomfort or take longer than necessary.

1. Wear them often

Perhaps the most important tip to follow when adjusting to clear aligners is to wear them as much as possible. Clear aligners are removable, which means you are likely to be tempted to take them out when there is discomfort, but the more you wear them the faster you can get past the initial discomfort and become more comfortable wearing them.

2. Eat a proper diet

One of the benefits of clear aligners is being able to eat certain foods that would otherwise be off limits with braces, but there are certain foods that may cause increased discomfort during the adjustment period. In order to minimize discomfort for the first few weeks after getting your clear aligners, stick to eating foods that are soft and easy to chew.

3. Exercise your mouth

The natural inclination for many when discomfort exists because of clear aligners is to rest the mouth and not do anything to cause irritation. While, of course, avoiding increased irritation is generally a good rule, it is important to exercise the mouth as much as possible to keep the teeth and jaw comfortable as they adjust to their new position.

4. Use a pain reliever

Pain relief medication is likely to be your best friend when adjusting to life with clear aligners. Many patients have reported a reduced amount of soreness and pain when taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. With that said, it is important not to become reliant on the medication and avoid taking more than what is recommended by your orthodontist.

5. Start wearing them at night

An effective trick that most patients do not think about is to wear the clear aligners for the first time at night, rather than once your orthodontist gives them to you. The soreness is likely to start after the first few hours of wearing them, and it can make work and other activities difficult. By wearing them for the first time while you sleep, adjusting to them can become a little easier.

Talk to an orthodontist about clear aligners

Clear aligners are a great way to straighten misaligned teeth and gain a more attractive smile that you can be proud of and want to show off every day. If you are interested in clear aligners and want to learn more about how they can help you, consult with us today and let us guide you through the consultation process.

Request an appointment here: https://www.sunshinedentalcommerce.com or call Sunshine Dental Group at (323) 743-4273 for an appointment in our Commerce office.

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